What is cyber security, and why is it important?

1 minute read

Cyber security refers to protecting systems connected to the internet from threats in cyberspace. It involves protecting software, data, and hardware and helps prevent cybercriminals from gaining access to devices or networks.

Parts of cyber security

The best cyber security solution will be all-encompassing and include:

  • Application security
  • Cloud security
  • Data security
  • Endpoint security
  • Identity management
  • Infrastructure and database security
  • Mobile security
  • Network security
  • Operational security

It should also include disaster recovery or business continuity planning. Which outlines how the organization will recover from any cyber attacks in the future as well as preventative methods, such as educating employees.

The importance of cyber security

The importance of cyber security comes down to the desire to keep information, data, and devices private and safe. In today’s world, people store vast quantities of data on computers and other internet-connected devices. Much of which is sensitive, such as passwords or financial data.

If a cybercriminal was to gain access to this data, they could cause a range of problems. They could share sensitive information, use passwords to steal funds, or even change data so that it benefits them in some way.

Companies need cyber security to keep their data, finances, and intellectual property safe. Individuals need it for similar reasons, although the intellectual property is less of a factor, and there is a higher risk of losing important files, such as family photos. In the case of public services or governmental organizations, cyber security helps ensure that the community can continue to rely on its services. For example, if a cyber attack targeted a power plant, it could cause a city-wide blackout. If it targeted a bank, it could steal from hundreds of thousands of people.


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